The Creation of Everything 2018/09/16

The Creation of Everything 2018/09/16 – Pastor Dave Cottrell
The Creation of Everything
Genesis 1:1 – 31

There was a beginning to our universe. Most Christians, Atheists and Agnostics agree on that. Agnostics are defined as people who like to keep an open mind, but when you get talking to most Agnostics, you discover they’re actually Atheists trying to appear tolerant. Atheists outright reject God or any Intelligent Designer. The problem for the Atheists, is that anything outside of a natural cause is unacceptable to them, because it would then require possibly having to answer to an all powerful, moral Being, something the simply don’t want to do. This creates a very big problem for their explanation of the origin of life, and indeed, the origin of anything. The natural world must create itself, which their own science says is impossible.
There is a clear answer, and it is completely logical. In the beginning, God, the Supreme Intelligent Designer, created everything.

Genesis 1:1 – 31

In the beginning, God created everything. God created everything by His own power. He spoke all things into existence. They were not made of things that already existed, but of the very word of God. “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3 But our faith is a reasonable, a logical faith. Our faith is not a leap in the dark, but a faith based on the evidence, evidence of a universe that had a beginning and necessarily a Primary Cause, who has revealed Himself to us as Almighty God.

I Creation Began with God v1
1. There is no more simple, plain, yet utterly profound statement to be found, anywhere, than that found in Genesis 1:1. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
a) The word translated heaven refers to everything above, the sky, the place where the stars are, the universe. It encompasses everything that is not on the Earth.
b) The word translated earth refers to our planet (surprise, surprise), which includes the entire planet and anything or anyone on it or in it.
2. Where did it all come from? How did the universe begin? Where did life come from? Every one of these questions is succinctly answered in Genesis 1:1. God did it.
a) It is incredibly sad that so many very intelligent and well-educated people are spending their lives believing the lie that the universe and everything in it created itself. Such a belief is appallingly illogical, yet it is embraced, especially by the well-educated, because, as a myriad of evolutionary scientists and their acolytes say, “the alternative is unthinkable.” That alternative is a living, all powerful, intelligent creator. That leads to the very uncomfortable possibility that those who reject Him will one day have to face Him. That is unthinkable to evolutionary thought.
3. Genesis 1:1 covers everything that exists anywhere, including time, space and things.
a) There can be no question about what it is saying. The Bible opens with the absolutely clear and absolute statement that God created everything.
4. But what about the “Big Bang?”
a) What the Big Bang theory recognizes and Christians know is that everything began suddenly. We’re all looking at the same data.
i. The Big Bang theory has problems too numerous to list. The universe is apparently expanding at a measurable rate which proves that it had a beginning, because you can calculate from the present rate of expansion the maximum possible age of the universe. But, where is it expanding? In fact, where is it?
b) Where did all the material that exploded come from? Again, the answer given is extraordinarily illogical, but you’re not supposed to notice that.
i. Secular scientists now say that the Big Bang occurred when a “quantum dot” exploded. Unfortunately for that theory, it offers no logical explanation of where the quantum dot came from.
ii. Some suggest a collapsing universe caused by a black hole, which became infinitely small, dark and invisible due to the incredible gravity, which then exploded and miraculously became our universe. The first very obvious problem with that is that you would have to compress everything that is in the universe, whose size they do not know (some say infinite) into a point too small to see with anything (virtual nothing – assume zero, since it’s so small – that way the math will work… After all, they tell us that “nothing is incredibly unstable stuff!!”
iii. Others suggest that the universe is just one in an endless (infinite) series of Big Bangs that eventually collapse to become a quantum dot. Quantum string and quantum foam theory, which has never been proven other than as an equation on a blackboard, suggests that there are an infinite number of universes all existing at the same time, and whatever place your quantum points happen to pop up in is your present reality. This is PURE Eastern Mysticism and Reincarnation wrapped up in scientific jargon.
Please note that it is a LIE that anything you can prove with math is true. That has never been proven!!
Theoretical math, which is what we are talking about, says, “Assuming…Then…” In other words, you can make almost any wild leap you want to, once you figure out what you have to assume, first.
5. Creation began with God. There is nothing more logical than this, that the natural world had a Primary Cause, God.
a) In spite of statements like, “nothing is incredibly unstable stuff, so it was only a matter of time before it exploded into something,” nothing is still the total absence of anything, utterly powerless to create anything. It is a deception to pretend that nothing is something. It is a sad deception, because those using it, belittling Christians for not believing it and teaching it to university students as fact are both willingly deceived themselves and deceiving countless others. Nothing is nothing. Even a small child knows that. It requires much education and brainwashing to finally believe that nothing is something, and further, that nothing has the power of creation.
i. In reality, they are calling nothing the primary cause!
b) Instead, we believe that the Bible is true, and that God is the Primary Cause. In fact, this is completely logical.
i. When we believe what the Bible says, we believe that in the beginning, God, who is all-powerful, who resides in Eternity, outside of space and time, created everything by his own power.
ii. We then know where the universe is. God, who is eternal and resides in eternity, created the universe within that eternity.
iii. The universe is sitting in eternity. Space, time and things are part of that universe. Time began in the beginning, when God created everything.
iv. When we believe that God created everything, everything that we observe, all the data, fits perfectly. There is no ambiguity. We do not need to assume things that we can’t prove in order to make the calculations work. And we don’t have to redefine nothing as something!

1. In the beginning, God created everything. Time, space and things began in the beginning, all created by God. Everything was created by God, by His power, and according to His design. There is no doubt, then, that God has the right of ownership of everything, including the right to create the rules and to rule. As we read in our text, everything God created was very good. That is no longer the case. As upcoming passages explain, that is because man decided he knew better than God, bringing sin into the world, and as a result of that sin, death and separation from God. Yet the Bible also teaches that God was prepared for anything when He created everything, and had already prepared a Saviour, to reconcile sinful man to Himself. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23 Sin is the problem that is slowly corrupting everything, but Jesus Christ is the answer. He shed His blood and died in our place to take away our sin. All who place their faith in Him have everlasting life.

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