The Creation of Light Part 1 2018/09/30

The Creation of Light Part 1 2018/09/30 Pastor Dave Cottrell

The Creation of Light                                                                                          Part 1

Genesis 1:3 – 19

Audio with Closed Captions 

One of the reasons atheists use to try to prove that the Genesis record of creation is a fable is the order of creation. They maintain the Earth and the universe could not have started the way Bible says, because it’s completely out of order in Genesis. One example they give is the creation of light. They say it was impossible for there to be light, because there were no stars or sun or moon until after God created the light, according to Genesis. Again, flawed logic is their problem. If God is the Primary Cause, the One who created everything from nothing, is there anything too difficult for Him? If God is the Primary Cause, and therefore not bound by the physical laws of space and time, which He created, could He not do things that are outside of those laws?

Genesis 1:3 -19

Isn’t it interesting the way God chose His order of creation! Think about the theme that runs through the Bible from the very beginning to the very end. It is the record of a loving God who created human beings in His image to love and to be able to love Him. But the very first humans chose to reject Him in favour of a lie and so fall under the penalty of sin, which is death. But from the beginning, God had a plan, a Deliverer, a Saviour, who was finally revealed in the man Jesus Christ, God the Son who became fully human, born as a baby, in a direct line from Adam, who lived a perfect life, the shed his blood on the cross to take away our sin. The he rose from the dead on the third day, having conquered sin, the devil and death itself on our behalf, our kinsmen redeemer, able to save to the uttermost.

The Creation of Light

  1. As we think on the great redemption theme running through our Bible from Genesis to Revelation, isn’t it amazing the way God chose His order of creation! Every page of our Bible is telling us about this, of God’s love, of Jesus Christ, pointing us to our Saviour and eternal life!
    1. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth in total darkness. We read in verse two that darkness was upon the face of the deep. Just as there is no light in the heart of every person born in this world in the beginning, there was no light in the world in the beginning. It was utterly dark, a terrifying, yet very accurate picture of the heart of man. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23
  2. We start out in darkness, unable to do anything about it ourselves. So also, the world God created began in total darkness. It had no control over its creation. The natural thing can neither create itself, nor control its development through any natural processes, such as evolution.
    1. When God first created the Earth, all was totally dark. There was not even a glimmer of light in the entire universe.
  3. Then God spoke and said, “Let there be light: and there was light.”
    1. Secular cosmologists who refuse to consider the possibility of the existence of a Primary Cause, God, outside of space and time, try to convince themselves and us that there once was a very unstable substance called “nothing” that was really something, but it was so small it could not be seen (the irony is, it could not have been seen, anyway, because in their framework, there was nobody to observe it). They describe this as a “singularity,” a “quantum dot,” or point of infinite mass, meaning it was therefore infinitely small with infinite gravity and infinite energy potential. Therefore, when it exploded in the so-called “Big Bang,” the light appeared immediately. The problems with this are many. Here are just a few.
      1. First of all, a “point of infinite mass” is entirely theoretical. The math works, but as mentioned in previous messages, that doesn’t mean it’s true. In actual fact, nothing in the universe is infinite, including the universe itself, according to most scientists, so infinite mass cannot exist.
      2. Secondly, if you took all the material in the universe and compressed it, the Planck scale, recognized by virtually all scientists, dictates that matter can only be compressed to a certain physical limit. As such, you could not compress the universe to the point of being infinitely small.
      3. Third, no singularity or black hole has ever actually been discovered. Like dark matter, they are hypotheses developed to solve problems with what cosmologists and astrophysicists are observing, which is basically that there isn’t enough matter or gravity in the universe for the Big Bang to work.
      4. The biggest problem of all, the so-called “elephant in the room,” is where the original “stuff” came from and where it is. The atheist argument with this is that you’re stupid to ask about it…
    2. The solution to these inherent problems with an unstable nothing becoming everything all by itself in a place we won’t talk about is a Primary Cause, whom we know as God. God is not part of space and time, but the creator of space and time. Everything within space and time was created by God, who, the Bible tells us, inhabits Eternity “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” Isaiah 57:15. Space and time are therefore seated in eternity. Everything that has happened and been created was created by God according to His order. It is not stupid to ask where everything came from, nor where the universe is. It is a logical question with a logical answer.
      1. This is not a leap of faith. We know that the physical cannot create itself, so the universe required a Primary Cause. This Primary Cause has revealed Himself to us as God.
      2. If God is powerful enough to inhabit eternity entirely by his own power, he can do anything he wants with his creation in the physical world, including creating the light before anything else, right after creating the Earth.
      3. Immediately after God created the Earth, He created the light, by His own power, before creating anything else. Nothing prevented Him from doing this. The laws of physics and nature could not prevent Him from doing this, because He was, in fact, creating those very laws. They did not create themselves!
    3. First there was darkness, then God acted and created the light. The Hebrew word translated let their be speaks of something that is brought into existence and permanently established. What an amazing picture of what God has done for us! We were born in darkness because of our inherited sin nature from Adam, but God has “called you out of darkness into his marvellous light!” 1Peter 2:9
      1. Just as the physical world had no control over its beginning and started out in darkness, unable to create light, needed God to create the light, so we are unable to bring ourselves out of darkness by our own works.
      2. But God brings us into the light the moment we put our faith in Jesus Christ, and then God saves us by grace and permanently establishes us!
  4. When God created primitive Earth (which wasn’t primitive for very long!), there was no light at all, anywhere in the universe. How could that be? Don’t the laws of the universe make that impossible? Not at all, because those laws did not even exist until God created them. Indeed, they were created as God created everything.
    1. After God created the Earth, He spoke into the darkness and said, “Let there be light: and there was light.” I love how this is written in the King James Bible. Notice the colon after “Let there be light.” That is the cause. After the colon comes the effect. God is the cause. The light is the effect.


Secular, God-denying cosmologists, physicists and evolutionary scientists cannot explain how the world began, nor how we got here, and even less, what life, itself, is. Instead, they come up with completely unfounded hypotheses to explain what they cannot explain without God. They continue to try to explain the origins of the universe according to natural, observable laws, yet the very laws, themselves, could not exist before the universe began. The reason for this resistance to logic, to recognizing that there must be a Primary Cause, whom we know is God, is spiritual darkness. Just as total darkness was upon the face of deep before God created the light, those in spiritual darkness are in total darkness without God. They are on a blind collision course with a dark, Godless eternity, unless they recognize that only God can turn on the light. In the beginning, God spoke and said, “Let there be light: and there was light.” When you repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God, He turns on the light in your heart and saves you. Just as only an almighty, self-existent God could create the original light, only this same God can save you and turn on the light in your heart. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” John 1:1 – 4 Jesus Christ is that living Word, the life who gives light to all who put their faith in Him.

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